Is it okay to be a mediocre?

Hendri Fahrezi
2 min readJun 29, 2021


When I was 18, I wondered what it would be like to be a person who was known by many people because of his success story and could be inspire the others. Making meaningful movements, giving impact, wide network, and always has an ambition to achieve long-term goals in life.

Now, with age, the dream of all that is slowly fading away. Not because I don’t want to make any efforts or trapped in a desperation to achieve my goal, but I prefer being mediocre — make peace with who I am and what I need — is enough. I choose to be realistic and trying to slowly accept the situation, while improving myself and being grateful for what we have.

If people advise you to get out from your comfort zone, I think it can’t be applicable for everyone. Some people have to get out from their comfort zone to be challenged and achieve more, every time. But the others have to find their comfort zone to get their peace and be productive.

I’ve been in time where I was pursued by ambitions of my own thoughts. And it’s so stressful. I don’t mean to make people who have goals and ambitions bad. I just feel like it all comes back to each person, to everyone’s condition and background.

The fact is, not everyone has the same privilege as the previous to create something big. There are people whose a settled background so they can do bigger things for others. In the other side, there are people who still have to be struggle with their family background and conditions. So I think there is nothing wrong to be a mediocre, as long as we still have a purpose, make an effort in life — improving ourselves to be the best version of us.

The conclusion is, we all are tremendous person. We all won the sperm race and were born into this cruel world. We are surviving the COVID-19 disease. We are good and we are healthy. That itself is an amazing accomplishment. Now, let’s go on and live a wonderful life that is worthy of who we really are.

Happy 25!



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